Roots in Sweden? Help with genealogical research

Do you have roots in Sweden and need help with genealogical research? The Genealogical Society of Sweden, founded in 1933, offers the service of commissioned research.

The Genealogical Society’s comissioned research

Have you encountered a problem that you would like help with? Do you want to give a genealogy as a gift? Do you want help interpreting DNA results or ancient writing? Then maybe the Genealogical Society’s commissioned research can help!

The commissioned research has a number of experienced genealogists as well as some talented DNA researchers ready to help with large and small genealogy assignments.

Does this sound interesting? Send an email to, and we’ll take a look at your research problem and see if it’s something we can help you with. Of course, members of the Genealogical Society receive a discount when purchasing commissioned research!

Research package with fixed prices

Genealogy – up to 5 generations back

The starting point is a person born in Sweden during the 20th century or the end of the 19th century. You get a description of that person’s ancestors up to five generations back depending on what the sources in the church archives allow (name, date and place of birth, marriage and death information as well as occupation/title, settlements, and children’s birth dates). We always provide source references so that you can continue the research yourself. You also get a graphic so-called pedigree (»ahnentafel«) that summarizes the results.

  • Non-member SEK 5,400 – Member SEK 4,200

Surname research 18th–19th centuries

For how many generations has a specific surname been in the family? Who was the first to wear it? Note that before 1900 the practice among people living in rural areas was most frequently not to use surnames but patronymics (such as Andersson meaning Anders´ son). Surnames are basically a late 19th and 20th century phenomenon in Sweden except in cities and certain social groups where surnames were adopted earlier.

  • Non-member SEK 2,250 – Member SEK 1,750

Personal investigation

Research concerning the person in question, we follow the person in question from birth to death and note everything we find in the church archives.

  • Non-member SEK 2,250 – Member SEK 1,750

DNA support

DNA support means that you carry out a large part of the research yourself, both regarding the genealogy and the DNA interpretation, but you have a knowledgeable person to help you during the journey. The package includes 7 hours of assistance time and you decide for yourself if you want to extend it.

  • Non-member SEK 3,150 – Member SEK 2,450

Other commissions with hourly rates

If you have a problem that does not seem to fit into one of the above packages, you can always contact us nonetheless. It may be about deciphering old text. Another type of commission is genealogy problems from a time or place in Sweden where there are no church records or research performed abroad.

We provide a quote in which we estimate how many hours of research are needed. Together we decide on a ceiling on how many hours should be spent and thus how much your investigation will cost. Assignments can most oftenly be extended by agreement.

  • Non-member – SEK 450 per hour.
  • Member – SEK 350 per hour.

Delivery and payment

We expect a delivery time of 4–8 weeks. The Genealogical Society saves a copy of the assignment and reserves the right to publish the results in one of our journals (does not apply to DNA consultations). The publication will the show the researchers name and that what has been published was initiated by a research assignment but not who was the client.

Payment is made after agreement on the scope of the assignment to the Genealogical Society, and when the payment is received the assignment begins. If desired, invoicing can also take place. You will receive the material digitally in the form of PDF files, etc., after about 4–8 weeks.

You are very welcome with your request to our Research Team: